What is SAR Value of mobile how to check it online

Can cell phones cause cancer?:

Check this way What is the SAR value of your cell phone? , find out how deadly your phone is becoming.

While there are many benefits of using mobile phones, there are also many disadvantages. We often hear about the side effects of mobile phones. There are many news coming out that smartphones are damaging our mental and physical health.. Scientists believe that the radiation coming out from mobiles is so deadly that it causes a lot of damage to our body and it also spreads diseases like cancer.. Although mobiles Companies are contesting this claim, and insist on checking the SAR VALUE of the mobile.

What is SAR value? And how harmful is it?

SAR value means Specific Absorption Rate which shows how much your body absorbs the radio frequency radiation emitted from the mobile during a specific time. A part of the frequency enters the tissue of that part of your body, the part of the body that the mobile has touched. This is called mobile radiation. This radiation is considered to be carcinogenic, i.e. cancerous. However, the SAR value allows you to know whether the radiation emitted by your phone is harmful to the body or not.

Important links

MOBILE SAR વેલ્યુ કઈ રીતે ચેક કરવું જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

તમરા મોબાઈલ ની SAR વેલ્યુ કેટલી છે અહી જોવો

How much SAR value can be considered safe?
According to Telecom Authority of India 1.6 W/Kg SAR value emitted by mobile phone is considered safe.. It means if your phone has SAR value below 1.6 W/Kg then it can be called safe because chances of cancer are very less.

How to check phone’s SAR value?

Checking the SAR value of the phone is very easy..mostly the SAR value is written on the label on the packing box of the phone itself. .Also, those companies also display the SAR value on their website according to the phone model.
But if you want to check on your phone itself then you have to follow the simple steps below

First, open the Dial app on your smartphone. As we open dial app to call someone.
After that you have to dial the number *#07#* and you will be able to see the SAR value of the phone on your screen.
If the SAR value of your phone is below 1.6 W/Kg then there is no problem but if this SAR value is more than 1.6 W/Kg then you should consider replacing your phone.

Radiation and SAR


More conscious technology use

The purpose of this page is to educate anyone interested in learning more about SAR. We don’t want you to stop using electronic devices. Our aim is to encourage a more conscious use of them.

What is the SAR value of your es of radiation

The sources of radiation are divided into two main categories: natural and man-made. Radiation has always been a natural part of the environment.

Man-made radiation has been emitted for about 150 years since the inventions of the industrial revolution went into widespread use, now we’re part of the digital revolution. Artificial sources of radiation are claimed to be responsible for about 15% of the total exposure. An even higher level of exposure (50%) may affect industrialized countries due to the more widespread access to

Based on its frequency or wavelength, electromagnetic radiation is categorized using the electromagnetic spectrum

Radiation spectrum diagram (showing non-ionizing and ionizing radiations) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-ionizing_radiation

Non-ionizing radiation is located at the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum and is a form of low-energy radiation. This kind of radiation is also known as extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation. Non-ionizing radiation differs from ionizing radiation (IR) because non-ionizing radiation doesn’t carry enough energy to break molecular bonds and ionize atoms, ionizing radiation does. That is not to say that extended exposure to non-ionizing radiation isn’t harmful, we know that it is.

Most of us know that a little bit of UV radiation can be useful, as it helps our bodies produce vitamin D. However, too much exposure can cause problems, such as damage on a molecular level (i.e. sunburn). When light from the Sun reaches Earth, it is mainly comprised of non-ionizing radiation as the atmosphere filters out ionizing far-ultraviolet rays, via gases such as oxygen.

The Specific Absorption Rate Value

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is defined as the amount of absorbed non-ionizing radiation power (or rate of absorbed energy) by unit mass of biological tissue.Each phone has a specified SAR value. Information about its level can be found in a device user manual, in the mobile phone’s settings or in an online SAR database. In the same way that food should be labelled with nutritional facts, mobile phones should list their radiation output.

All phones contain information which warns against keeping your device in direct contact with your head or body.

SAR measurements and limits

SAR level standards appeared quite recently.

For a long time there were no established standards for SAR across the mobile phone industry because there wasn’t any governmental action to require it.However, in the US, the FCC, Federal Communications Commission, set the radio frequency safety guidelines that all phones must meet before being sold in the US (1992).


In Europe, “the European Council Recommendation 519/1999/EC for exposure guidelines has adopted the recommendations made by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP Guidelines 1998).” You can see current reference standards and limits below.

In 2011, the World Health Organisation classified EMF as a possible carcinogen.

Independent scientists from the WHO based their opinion on the results of studies on cancer in both humans and animals, as well as other relevant data. We often reference this data as it is verifiable evidence for the possible adverse health effects of mobile phone usage.

Another important argument is that an international appeal was created, whereby scientists called for ‘Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure’.