lpg subsidy

How can you get LPG subsidy under PAHAL scheme?


How can you get LPG subsidy under PAHAL scheme? Fuel prices have seen rise in past few years because more and more people are joining the mainstream. Households in villages used to use firewood and cow dung for cooking but after the government’s efforts to increase the use of LPG connections through various schemes, the use of LPG cylinders in increasing.


  • PAHAL (Pratyaksh Hanstantarit Labh) or Direct Benefits Transfer for LPG (DBTL) schemewas launched on 1st of June 2013 for LPG consumers in India. The scheme intended to cover 256 districts of the country.
  • The main objective of the PAHAL scheme was to stop the divesion of the subsidised LPG.
  • The LPG customers mandatorily need to have an Aadhaar number for availing of LPG subsidy under the scheme. The modified scheme was re launched in 2014 across 54 districts across the country.
  • In this scheme, he customer first pays for the cylinder at the market price and the subsidy will then be transferred into his bank account.
  • This will remove the incentive to divert the subsidised LPG and will ensure that only those who need the subsidy get the benefit of it.


What was the Need of the PAHAL scheme?

  • To bring the transparency and increase the efficiency of the supply chain of LPG.
  • To curb the monopoly and related obstacles.
  • To ensure the sound management of subsidy while serving the customers in efficient way.


Who is eligible to get subsidy under the PAHAL scheme?

  • As per the order of Government of India, those people or their spouse who have LPG connections but have an annual income of 10 lakh, cannot avail the benefit of the scheme.


Uses of PAHAL scheme:


  • Thousands of people who could not afford the LPG cylinders will be able to afford it thanks to the scheme.
  • This will indirectly increase the number of Aadhar Card holders.
  • Will help to discourage the supply chain leakages and stop unauthorized access to it.
  • Improvement in service to consumer will be ensured.
  • Those who can manage the expense on their own can then opt out of subsidy.
  • Will increase the availability of gas connection to the consumers.
  • Help to tackle he demand and supply side road blocks.

Under the modified scheme, the LPG consumer can avail the subsidy in his bank account by two options:

  1. When the Aadhar Number is available, it will serve as the medium of cash transfer. For this, the LPG consumer has to link his Aadhar number with his LPG consumer number, which is 17digits long, and bank account. The customer needs to submit Form 2 to the distributor and Form 1 to the bank. This option is called the primary option.
  2. This option is applicable to the consumer who does not have an Aadhar number. He can receive the subsidy directly in his bank account. For this option, the customer needs to submit form 4 to the disriubutor and form 3 to the bank to claim the subsidy.

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  • The Amount applicable to subsidy on LPG cylinder will then e transferred in the bank account of the beneficiary.
  • The non-Cash Transfer Compliant or CTC consumers will be given the period of 3 months to register as CTC customers.
  • To every CTC costumer, a onetime advance will be provided and then the advance will be notified from time to time and will be remained fixed for a financial year.
  • There will not be any differential payment to LPG consumers who were provided with permanent advance.
  • If you want to join the PAHAL scheme, you can visit web portal https://mylpg.in/index.aspx